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December 6, 2024 @ 11:00 am - 11:30 am
Con piacere vi invitiamo a partecipare al primo webinar dell’associazione il giorno Venerdì 6 Dicembre ore 11.00, con il titolo:
Il webinar avrà come tema i Data Center e la sfide che essi pongono alla nostra società.
Criticità ed opportunità verranno discusse da esperti italiani ed internazionali del settore, tra cui:
Federica Quartieri – Lombardini22: DCs design and sustainability challenge
Federica Ubertiello – Bouygues: Commissioning key role in DCs construction
Francesco Rucco – Bouygues : Outlooks on DCs development in Italy
Stu Redshaw – EkkoSense: Simulations to derisk the transition to AI DCs
In tale occasione verrà ufficialmente lanciata la DESIGN COMPETITION, con tema proprio un caso studio sui datacenter dagli special :
Mahroo Eftekhari – Loughborough University – Region XIV DRC
Dimitris Tseno – Loughborough University – UK Chapter Secretary
Saranno quindi presenti anche diversi rappresentanti degli student branch europei.
Potrete seguire il webinar al seguente LINK:
Riceverete il link anche con un invito TEAMS a calendario, oppure potrete trovarlo sulla nostra pagina LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/ashraeitaly/
Il webinar è aperto a tutti gli interessati anche non membri ASHRAE e vi invitiamo a divulgarne il link.
Vi ringraziamo e speriamo che possiate partecipare numerosi.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the first webinar of the association on Friday 6 December at 11:00, with the title:
The webinar will have the Data Centers theme and their challenges to our society.
Critical issues and opportunities will be discussed by Italian and international experts in the sector, including:
Federica Quartieri – Lombardini22: DCs design and sustainability challenges
Federica Ubertiello – Bouygues: Commissioning key role in DCs construction
Francesco Rucco – Bouygues : Outlooks on DCs development in Italy
Stu Redshaw – EkkoSense: Simulations to derisk the transition to AI DCs
On this occasion the DESIGN COMPETITION will be officially launched, with the theme of a case study on data centers from the specials:
Mahroo Eftekhari – Loughborough University – Region XIV DRC
Dimitris Tseno – Loughborough University – UK Chapter Secretary
There will also be several representatives of European student branches.
You can follow the webinar at the following LINK:
You will also receive the link with a TEAMS invitation on the calendar, or you can find it on our LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/company/ashraeitaly/
The webinar is open to all interested parties, including non-ASHRAE members, and we invite you to share the link.
We thank you and hope that many of you will participate.
ASHRAE Italy Section Board
Download all the presentations HERE: